Thursday, September 24, 2009

Still Waiting....

So.... it has been completely silent on my end. I know I should feel concerned, but I can't help but feel optimistic. Honestly, I'm still floating from my GWU interview. I hope I hear good news from them in October :-). I want to stress about the other schools, but if I get in here, I'm done!

That's all for now. I'll update you once I hear anything....You know, I'm still not complete at Penn State. Should I be concerned?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm back!

So today was an interesting day, and overall, I would say I had a really go0d time. I am so in love with that school, it really is ridiculous. I feel like a lot of the complaints that you see on older interview feedbacks on SDN have really been addressed. Students were extremely enthusiastic. Friendly, realistic. They weren't overly optimistic, but kind and helpful, and they were incredibly involved, and seemed well-rounded. I feel like it's a student body that I would really fit into.

Despite what is going on with the LCME, students were optimistic. They're coming to review again next month, and the consensus seems to be that they will definitely be getting off probation, which is excellent! I had no doubt :-). I think one thing that really sold it for me was how real the students were. They talked about their reactions to the LCME, issues they had with the school (a lot of administrative issues). One student even mentioned how angry she was and how she wanted to transfer at first, but as many administrative issues as they mentioned, it was nothing compared to the glowing praise for faculty, new equipment, and deans. It sounds strange, but there is a real family feel to this school. I really love that.

Speaking of the facilities and new equipment: this school is AMAZING. It is clear to me that only good has come out of the probation. Facilities have been renovated, and like many students said, each new class is only going to benefit. The school just keeps getting better!

My student inteviewer was extremely laid back, it was like talking to an old friend. A lot of laughing, really casual conversation. I asked a lot of questions, but at the same time, she didn't get to ask me a lot of questions, so I'm not sure if that's good. I'm hoping she has a good idea of my interests and how I feel that GWU would be a perfect fit. We got along well, and that can only be good right?

My faculty interviewer was...feisty. Disenchanted, very realistic. It was a change of pace, but that was fine. I was comfortable speaking to him, and outside of "Tell me all about yourself" there was really no other questions asked. The entire conversation was really really conversational. He would say something, and I honestly agreed with a lot of what he said and mentioned. He was very real, and I tried to convey that I was a serious applicant, without roses and lollipops in my eyes, but at the same time one who wanted to do as much as possible, however little it might impact "the world" as it is.... I didn't come out of this interview feeling totally awesome, but I still love the school, and he seemed to be comfortable with me (took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, made jokes, we laughed together). At one point, he did say that it seemed to him that me and my interests would really be able to flower at GWU, which I'm hoping was his acknowledgement of a "good fit". In the end, he said that he felt he had a very good idea of who I was, so hopefully.....whatever conclusion he came to was a good one :-).

All well, no point thinking about it now (easier said than done) :-) Here's hoping for some good news come October! Keep praying :-)

Thanks so much for your encouragement, Andy! I barely know you and it's not like we've had a conversation, but it really has been huge for my self-esteem and keeping my chin up :-) I kind of feel like I'd like to have a conversation with you some time (I hope that doesn't sound too creepy) lol.

If you were there Sept. 15, I hope to see you again, whether at GWU or another interview! You were all really great :-)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Interview Tomorrow!

I'm freaking out.

Everyone seems so calm about their interviews, but I'm definitely concerned that I will turn into a big sweaty mess. I'm deeply considering taping paper towels to the lining of my shirt.

You know I've practiced. I'm going to check out their website again tonight, although I've looked over it so many times, I've practically memorized it. I'm praying that it goes well, because if it does, and I manage to get in, then this application season is over for me! Which would be great, I wouldn't want to go to any more interviews if I got in :-). I'm lucky that my top choice is my first interview, and it is an interview that is known for being laid back.

Anyway, if I see you there, good luck! I'll come back on afterward and let you know how it went.

Wish me luck! I've got about an army praying for me, so hopefully it's from their lips to God's ears. :-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

An impromptu study in contrasts.

So, remember when I said it was all quiet on the western front? Yeah, not anymore.

Hold from SUNY Upstate. Not surprised, but still disappointed.

On the other hand? That student we're hosting? Let me just list a few of the interviews he has already been to:

Chicago (Pritzer)

Where he is going in the next few days?
Mayo (tomorrow)
NYU (just invited)

So, he was just invited to NYU, just as I was finding out that I am on hold for SUNY Upstate. And there is your study in contrasts.

Life is good.

All quiet on the...western front.

That title did not work out as well as I thought it would. I'm not applying to any western schools, nor have I ever lived in the west.

Anyway, thank you for comments! I've gotten a few inbox messages on SDN, and, obviously, two comments on here, and it's definitely encouraging to hear from you guys.

To Andy:

Thank you for the very valuable reminder that I am doing far better this year than I ever did last year! When you're down, it's good to get some positive perspective. I really do appreciate your encouragement!

To nrnaik
No worries, the season is still very early, and an interview this early at rolling admissions schools is nothing to sneeze at. I feel confident for your chances this year. Granted, I don't really know your stats, but an interview is worlds better than no interview at all :-). I'm living with my significant other, and we are hosting a student who is interviewing at his school. This kid has gotten a ton of interviews, including Vanderbilt and UVA, so I definitely understand about your roommate. You know, I'm confident that once through they wade through the sea of identical high mcat, high gpa people, they'll get to us :-). I'm hoping for more interviews late in the season, you should too!

Anyway, as the title says, all has been quiet. I haven't heard anymore bad news, unless my parents are hiding rejections from me (like they did last year...unwarranted, but I understand the thought behind it), which has to be kind of good... right?

Here's to something in the next few days!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Getting nervous....

On hold at Drexel.

These past few weeks have been discouraging. It's hard to remain positive when you're naturally pessimistic and prone to extreme realism. I wonder what it would be like to own a pair of rose colored glasses.

Further, I just found out that AECOM silently rejects. As I've been complete since mid-July, I think I've been rejected.

Applying early was supposed to help, but apparently it only helps people like me so much.

Feeling like a failure.